Klenteng Penyimpan Seribu Sejarah, Klenteng Cu An Kiong
Temple of a Thousand History, Cu An Kiong Temple
sumber: google
dengan sentuhan seni tinggi, Klenteng Cu An Kiong tampak kokoh walau telah
berusia ratusan tahun. Tak ada catatan pasti kapan klenteng ini dibangun.
Penjarahan oleh tentara Belanda pada masa penjajahan diyakini turut
menghilangkan bukti sejarah tersebut.
Menurut seorang bio kong atau penjaga klenteng disini,
klenteng ini diperkirakan sudah dibangun sekitar abad ke-16 oleh orang-orang
China yang berlabu di Lasem. Tak ada yang berubah dari bangunan klenteng tua
ini. Hanya penambah ruangan pada sisi depan, kanan, dan kiri bangunan sebagai
pelengkap. Renovasi juga tercatat hanya dilakukan sekali pada tahun 1838 untuk
meninggikan lantai agar air banjir tidak masuk ke dalam klenteng ini. Hal ini
dilakukan mengingat letak kleteng yang berdiri tempat di depan sungai Lasem.
Menurut sejarah, dulunya daerah Lasem merupakan hutan jati
yang lebat. Maka tak heran jika material bangunan klenteng ini bukan
menggunakan kayu pada kapal dari pendatang China, melainkan memakai kayu jati
yang saat itu banyak tumbuh di daerah Lasem. Orang-orang Tionghoa lah yang
diyakini membuka desa pertama kali di tempat berdirinya klenteng ini. Lalu
penduduk mulau berdatangan untuk tinggal disana, hingga akhirnya Belanda datang
menjajah. Diyakini klenteng ini dibangun oleh orang Tionghoa yang pertama kali
mendarat di Lasem. Karena telah diberikan keselamatan selama berada di lautan,
maka dengan senang hati mereka membangun klenteng sebagai tempat pemujaan Thian
Siang Seng Bo atau Dewi Samudera.
Sebagai tanda sudah akrabnya masyarakat Tionghoa dengan
pribumi. Pada setiap hari ulang Thian Siang Seng, yang jatuh bersamaan
dengan hari ulang tahun klenteng, yaitu pada tanggal 23 bulan 3 di penanggalan
China. Klenteng akan erayakannya dengan menggelar sejumlah pagelaran seperti
wayang kulit, klonengan, dan gamelan.
Menurut sejarah yang ada di museum di Den Hag, Belanda,
klenteng ini tercatat dibangun pada tahun 1477. Banyak yang mengatakan bahwa
catatan sejarah tentang klenteng di Jawa ini cukup lengkap di Den Hag. Maka
banyak yang berasumsi bahwa catatan tentang klenteng ini dicuri oleh Belanda
pada masa penjajahan dulu.
Tak hanya pada masa penjajahan Belanda klenteng Cu An Kiong
diusik. Pada saat Jepang berkuasa pun klenteng juga diusik keberadaannya. Dulu,
menurut Gondar, sungai di depan klenteng sangat luas dan dalam. Banyak rumah
penduduk etnis Tionghoa di sepanjang aliran sungai itu. Namun, demi kepentingan
jalan bagi kebutuhan pengangkut kayu tentara Jepang, akhirnya banyak rumah
warga yang dihancurkan dan akses ke klenteng dipenuhi kayu-kayu.
with a high artistic touch, the Cu An Kiong Temple looks sturdy even though it
is hundreds of years old. There is no definite record of when this pagoda was
built. Looting by the Dutch army during the colonial period is believed to have
contributed to the loss of this historical evidence.
According to a bio kong or pagoda keeper here, this pagoda is
estimated to have been built around the 16th century by Chinese people based in
Lasem. Nothing has changed from this old temple building. Only room additions
on the front, right and left sides of the building as a complement. It was also
recorded that renovations were only carried out once in 1838 to raise the floor
so that flood water would not enter the temple. This is done considering the
location of the pagoda which stands in front of the Lasem river.
Historically, the Lasem area used to be a dense teak forest. So
it's not surprising that the building material for this pagoda did not use wood
on ships from Chinese immigrants, but instead used teak wood, which at that
time was growing a lot in the Lasem area. It is the Chinese people who are
believed to have opened the first village where this pagoda was built. Then
residents started arriving to live there, until finally the Dutch came to
colonize. It is believed that this pagoda was built by the Chinese who first
landed in Lasem. Because they were given safety while at sea, they were happy
to build a temple as a place to worship Thian Siang Seng Bo or the Goddess of
the Ocean.
As a sign that the Chinese people are already familiar with
the natives. On every Thian Siang Seng birthday, which coincides with the
pagoda's birthday, which is on the 23rd of the 3rd month in the Chinese
calendar. The pagoda will celebrate it by holding a number of performances such
as shadow puppets, klonengan and gamelan.
According to the history in the museum in The Hague,
Netherlands, this pagoda was recorded as having been built in 1477. Many say
that the historical records about this pagoda in Java are quite complete in The
Hague. So many assume that the records about this pagoda were stolen by the
Dutch during the colonial period.
Not only during the Dutch colonial period, the Cu An Kiong
pagoda was disturbed. When the Japanese came to power, the existence of pagodas
was disturbed. In the past, according to Gondar, the river in front of the
pagoda was very wide and deep. There are many ethnic Chinese houses along the
river. However, for the sake of roads for the needs of the Japanese army's wood
transporters, in the end many residents' houses were destroyed and the access
to the pagoda was filled with wood.
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