Klenteng di Dalam Lingkungan Kampus

Temple On Campus Area 

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Kampus Universitas Pancasila memiliki enam rumah ibadah di dalam area kampusnya. Rumah ibadah di dalam area kampus ini didirikan untuk mencerminkan toleransi beragama dan menghargai antar sesama.

Jika biasanya sebuah kampus hanya memiliki satu rumah ibadah di dalamnya. Universitas Pancasila memiliki enam rumah ibadah, yang berarti rumah ibadah dari masing-masing Agama yang diakui di Indonesia. Enam rumah ibadah yang terdapat di dalam lingkungan kampus Universitas Pancasila ini ada Masjid At-Taqwa, Gereja Katolik Santo Petrus, Graha Layanan Kristen, Vihara Dhamma Sasana, Pura Widya Santika dan Klenteng Da De Miao (Klenteng Kebajikan Agung).

Universitas Pancasila bersama Majelis Tinggi Agama Khonghucu Indonesia (Matakin) pada minggu 03-Oktober-2021 meresmikan Kelenteng Kebajikan Agung Universitas Pancasila di area kampus Universitas Pancasila, Jalan Raya Lenteng Agung, Jakarta Selatan. Peresmian Kelenteng Kebajikan Agung Universitas Pancasila dihadiri Rektor Universitas Pancasila Prof. Dr. Edie Toet Hendratno, S.H, M.Si, FCBArb dan Ketua Umum Dewan Rohaniawan/Pengurus Pusat Majelis Tinggi Agama Khonghucu Indonesia (Matakin), Xs Budi S Tanuwibowo.

Dalam sambutannya, Rektor Universitas Pancasila Prof. Dr. Edie Toet Hendratno menyampaikan peresmian Kelenteng Kebajikan Agung Universitas Pancasila bertepatan dengan Peringatan Hari Lahir Nabi Kongzi ke 2572.

"Pembangunan kelenteng kebajikan agung merupakan hasil kerjasama antara yayasan Universitas Pancasila dengan Matakin dan didukung oleh pimpinan-pimpinan masyarakat sekitar," kata Prof. Edie.

"Dengan dibangunnya Kelenteng Kebajikan Agung Universitas Pancasila ini diharapkan Kampus Pancasila akan ditebari dengan nilai-nilai kebajikan dalam menjalankan kehidupan, berbakti kepada orangtua dan guru, rendah hati, setia dan sopan santun," tambahnya.

Lebih lanjut Prof. Edie mengatakan dalam waktu yang tidak terlalu lama akan selesai rumah-rumah ibadah yang lain yaitu gereja, pura dan wihara sementara masjid lebih dahulu dibangun.

"Dengan selesainya rumah-rumah ibadah ini maka tanggung jawab kita merawat bangunan dan memanfaatkan bangunan ini sesuai fungsinya. Namun yang paling utama adalah semoga melalui rumah-rumah ibadah ini dapat menebarkan nilai kebajikan terutama bagi pengikutnya dan semua orang pada umumnya," ujar Rektor Universitas Pancasila Prof. Dr. Edie Toet Hendratno, S.H, M.Si, FCBArb.

Sementara itu, Ketua Umum Dewan Rohaniawan/Pengurus Pusat Majelis Tinggi Agama Khonghucu Indonesia (Matakin), Xs Budi S Tanuwibowo mengatakan hari ini merupakan hari yang sangat penting dan bersejarah bagi umat Khonghucu khususnya dan bangsa Indonesia umumnya hari ini tepat 2572 tahun yang lalu Lahir Nabi Kongzi dan hari ini juga hari yang penting dimana bersama Universitas Pancasila meresmikan Kelenteng Kebajikan Agung.

"Meski kelenteng di Universitas Pancasila ini yang kedua setelah di Universitas Sebelas Maret Solo namun Kelenteng Kebajikan Agung Universitas Pancasila yang pertama di resmikan. Mudah-mudahan di ikuti oleh rumah ibdah lainnya," tutup Ketua Umum Dewan Rohaniawan/Pengurus Pusat Majelis Tinggi Agama Khonghucu Indonesia (Matakin), Xs Budi S Tanuwibowo.




The Pancasila University campus has six houses of worship within its campus area. Houses of worship within the campus area were established to reflect religious tolerance and respect for one another.

If usually a campus only has one house of worship in it. Pancasila University has six houses of worship, which means houses of worship from each of the recognized religions in Indonesia. The six houses of worship located within the Pancasila University campus are the At-Taqwa Mosque, St. Petrus Catholic Church, Christian Service Graha, Dhamma Sasana Temple, Widya Santika Temple and Da De Miao Temple (Great Virtue Temple).

Pancasila University together with the Indonesian Confucian Religious Council (Matakin) on Sunday 03-October-2021 inaugurated the Pancasila University Great Virtue Temple in the Pancasila University campus area, Jalan Raya Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta. The inauguration of the Pancasila University Great Virtue Temple was attended by the Chancellor of Pancasila University Prof. Dr. Edie Toet Hendratno, S.H, M.Sc, FCBArb and General Chairperson of the Clergy Council/Central Executive Council of the Indonesian Confucian High Council of Religion (Matakin), Xs Budi S Tanuwibowo.

In his remarks, the Chancellor of Pancasila University, Prof. Dr. Edie Toet Hendratno conveyed that the inauguration of the Pancasila University Great Virtue Temple coincided with the 2572th Commemoration of the Birth of Prophet Kongzi.

"The construction of the Great Virtue Temple is the result of collaboration between the Pancasila University foundation and Matakin and is supported by local community leaders," said Prof. Eddie.

"With the construction of the Pancasila University Great Virtue Temple, it is hoped that the Pancasila Campus will be instilled with virtue values in carrying out life, serving parents and teachers, being humble, loyal and polite," he added.

Prof. further Edie said that in the not too distant future other houses of worship, namely churches, temples and monasteries will be completed, while the mosque will be built first.

"With the completion of these places of worship, it is our responsibility to take care of the buildings and utilize these buildings according to their functions. However, the most important thing is that hopefully through these places of worship, we can spread virtue values, especially for their followers and all people in general," said the Chancellor of the University Pancasila Prof. Dr. Edie Toet Hendratno, S.H, M.Si, FCBArb.

Meanwhile, General Chairperson of the Council of Clergy/Central Executive of the Indonesian Confucian Higher Council of Religion (Matakin), Xs Budi S Tanuwibowo said that today is a very important and historic day for Confucians in particular and the Indonesian nation in general today is exactly 2572 years ago. The birth of the Prophet Kongzi and today is also an important day where together with Pancasila University inaugurated the Great Virtue Temple.

"Even though the temple at Pancasila University is the second after Sebelas Maret University in Solo, the Pancasila University Great Virtue Temple is the first to be inaugurated. Hopefully other houses of worship will follow it," concluded the General Chairperson of the Clergy Council/Central Executive Council of the Indonesian Confucian Higher Religion (Matakin), Xs Budi S Tanuwibowo.


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